Off – Grid PV Systems

In an off – grid photovoltaic system the produced electricity is used to cover the needs of the producer himself and it is not fed to the utility grid. Α standalone photovoltaic system usually is installed in inaccessible areas where there is no electricity network or in areas where the connectivity with the PPC grid requires significant high cost from the investor’s aspect. The main parts of this system are:

  • Photovoltaic modules
  • Control board
  • Inverter
  • Charge controller
  • Batteries

Applications of this system are facilities in country houses, business premises, farms, hotels, caravan parks, canteens, boats etc.

Energy Efficiency undertakes the study assessment of the energy needs of the building you are interested to install a standalone photovoltaic system, the optimal positioning of the system, the calculation of the produced energy as well as the supply and the installation of the required equipment.